Friday, June 15, 2007

my purse got stolen.
so dont call my cellphone, hope i can just get my old one turned on tomorrow.
and dont open any new credit cards with my ss card and my license, just kidding, you wont get far with those anyways.
umm still have my ipod, and really thats all i care about. so ha!  i know you wear red matching tshirts and go to gay bars. fuck you for taking the best damned purse to ever rest upon my shoulder.
RIP nine west purse i got for $18 and made me happy for a year. are eye pee.

[edit: drunk mad mindy is not nice at all.]


kit said...

that post needs to be edited

mindylynn said...

i agree, it was a drunken rage.
i apologize.

NotNowNatalie said...

that sucks so bad. i am sorry about the purse.
who DOES that stuff? like, WHY would you steal someones purse? wtf?

gnarly nanny said...

yowza.... suck-adelic.