Wednesday, July 25, 2007

a tale of two cycles

so i have a friend. this friend has a bike simlar to, say, this:
and this friend recently hit a deer while going roughly 70mph on the thruway. the only damage made was to the deer, not even a scratch or a bump to the bike or rider.

i have another friend. this friend rides a bike similar to, say, this:

this friend recently hit a patch of gravel going about 45-50mph on a highway off ramp and lost control totaling his bike and breaking his collar bone after flying thru the air and landing about 100ft from his bike.

moral of the story: would you rather be a biker, a creep, or this amazing man?



heather marie said...

dude, i have two friends who have family who were just in like horrible motorcycle accidents. who broke his collar bone?? brian and adam better be fucking careful when they come down!!

mindylynn said...

vinnie broke his bones. and he tried to get me to ride on that stupid creepmobile with him, sheesh!!!